List of Indonesian idioms below not only will entertain you with their funny literal meanings, but also teach you about the culture and logic of the language.
In this blog post, we provide the most common Indonesian idioms along with their audio so you will how to say them correctly.
Animals Idioms in Indonesian
- Adu domba
Literal Translation: adu/mengadu=to pit, domba=sheep
Idiomatic Translation: to pit against
Sentence example:
Wanita itu mengadu domba saya dengan suami saya.
(That woman pitted me against my husband)
- Buaya darat
Literal Translation: buaya = crocodile, darat = land
Idiomatic Translation: playboy
Sentence example:
Jangan percaya dengannya. Dia itu laki – laki buaya darat.
(Do not trust him. He is a playboy!)
- Kambing hitam
Literal Translation: kambing = goat, hitam = black
Idiomatic Translation: scapegoat
Sentence example:
Anto jadi kambing hitam atas masalah kemarin.
(Anto became the scapegoat for yesterday’s problem)
- Kupu – kupu malam
Literal Translation: kupu – kupu = butterfly, malam = night
Idiomatic Translation: a prostitute
Sentence example:
Ada banyak kupu-kupu malam di klub malam itu/
(There are many prostitutes in that night club)
- Malu – malu kucing
Literal Translation: malu – malu = shy, kucing = cat
Idiomatic Translation: coy
Sentence example:
Kalau kamu ambil saja, jangan malu – malu kucing.
(If you want it, just take it. Do not be coy about it.
- Muka badak
Literal Translation: muka = face, badak – rhino
Idiomatic Translation: have no shame
Sentence example:
Kenapa kamu kencing di jalan? Dasar muka badak!
(Why are you peeing on the street? You have no shame.
Indonesian Idioms related to Body Parts
- Banting tulang
Literal Translation: banting = to slam, tulang = bone
Idiomatic Translation: to work hard
Sentence example:
Yuda banting tulang demi keluarganya
(Yuda works hard for his family)
- Berbadan dua
Literal Translation: berbadan = have a body (badan=body), dua = two
Idiomatic Translation: to get pregnant
Sentence example:
Karena berbadan dua, dia cepat capek.
(Because she is pregnant, she gets tired quickly)
- Besar kepala
Literal Translation: besar = big, kepala = head
Idiomatic Translation: puffed up, snobbish
Sentence example:
Jangan puji dia biar tidak besar kepala
(Do not praise him so he does not get puffed up)
- Buah bibir
Literal Translation: buah = fruit, bibir = lips
Idiomatic Translation: make the headlines
Sentence example:
Warung itu jadi buah bibir karena makanannya yang sangat mahal
(That warung (small restaurant) has become a byword because of their very expensive meals)
- Buah hati
Literal Translation: buah = fruit, hati = liver
Idiomatic Translation: beloved children
Sentence example:
Mereka terlihat lebih Bahagia setelah kehadiran buah hati.
(They look happier after their baby)
- Buah tangan
Literal Translation: buah = fruit, tangan = hand
Idiomatic Translation: souvenirs
Sentence example:
Orang Indonesia biasanya membawa buah tangan dari perjalanan wisata mereka.
(Indonesians usually bring souvenirs from their holiday trip)
- Cuci mata
Literal Translation: cuci = to wash, mata = eyes
Idiomatic Translation: to go out and check out good looking girls/boys
Sentence example:
Joko nongkrong di mal untuk cuci mata
(Joko hangs out in malls to check out girls)
- Darah biru
Literal Translation: darah = blood, biru = blue
Idiomatic Translation: aristoctrats
Sentence example:
Kita bisa tahu orang Bali yang punya darah biru dari Namanya
(We can tell Balinese aristocrats from their names)
- Mata keranjang
Literal Translation: mata = eyes, keranjang = basket
Idiomatic Translation: ladies man
Sentence example:
Dia sudah punya istri tapi masih saja mata keranjang
(He already has a wife, but he is still a ladies’ man)
- Mata – mata
Literal Translation: mata = eyes
Idiomatic Translation: a spy
Sentence example:
Saya pikir dia hanya karyawan biasa, ternyata dia mata – mata.
(I thought he was just a regular employee, it turns out he’s spy)
- Mulut ember
Literal Translation: mulut = mouth, ember = bucket
Idiomatic Translation: a blabbermouth
Sentence example:
Jangan kasih tau Koncreng. Dia mulut ember!
(Do not tell Koncreng. He is a blabbermouth)
- Panjang tangan
Literal Translation: Panjang = long, tangan = hands
Idiomatic Translation: light – fingered, to have a habit to steal
Sentence example:
Orang yang panjang tangan tidak akan punya teman.
(People who have a habit to steal would not have any friends)
- Tangan kanan
Literal Translation: tangan = hand, kanan = right
Idiomatic Translation: right – hand man
Sentence example: –
Dia kaya sekarang sejak jadi tangan kanan bos.
(He is rich now since being the boss’s right-hand man)
- Tidak enak badan
Literal Translation: tidak = not, enak = delicious, badan = body
Idiomatic Translation: not feeling well
Sentence example: –
Aku tidak kerja hari ini karena tidak enak badan.
(I didn’t go to work today because I didn’t feel well)
- Buang air kecil
Literal Translation: buang = throw, air = water, kecil = small
Idiomatic Translation: to urinate / to pee
Sentence example:
Dia suka buang air kecil di bawah pohon.
(He likes to pee under the tree)
- Buang air besar
Literal Translation: buang = throw, air = water, besar = big
Idiomatic Translation: to defecate / to go number 2
Sentence example:
Orang itu viral karena BAB (buang air besar) sembarangan.
(The person is viral because he pooped at random places)
- Gaji buta
Literal Translation: gaji = salary, buta = blind
Idiomatic Translation: a salary that is gained without work
Sentence example:
Jangan makan gajo buta, ayo kerja!
(Do not take ‘blind salary’. Let’s do some work!)
- Gulung tikar
Literal Translation: gulung = to roll, tikar = a mat
Idiomatic Translation: bankrupt / close down
Sentence example:
Restoran itu gulung tikar karena tidak ada pelanggan.
(That restaurant closed because there were no customers)
- Jam karet
Literal Translation: jam = clock, karet = rubber
Idiomatic Translation: rubber time/ being late
Sentence example:
Banyak orang bilang Indonesia punya budaya jam karet.
(Many people say that Indonesia has a ‘rubber time’ culture)
- Kabar angin
Literal Translation: kabar = news, angin = wind
Idiomatic Translation: rumor
Sentence example:
Lebih baik tanya langsung daripada percaya dengan kabar angin.
(Better to ask directly instead of believing rumors)
- Kantong kering (kanker)
Literal Translation: kantong = pocket, kering = dry
Idiomatic Translation: broke/ to be skint
Sentence example:
Setelah liburan, dia kena kanker
(After a holiday, she is broke)
- Masuk angin
Translation: masuk = to enter, angin = wind
Idiomatic Translation: to catch a cold
Sentence example:
Jangan main di luar malam – malam. Nanti bisa masuk angin.
(Do not play outside at night. You can catch a cold)
- Polisi tidur
Translation: polisi = policeman, tidur = sleeping
Idiomatic Translation: speed bumbs
Sentence example:
Pelan – pelan. Ada banyak polisi tidur di gang ini.
(Slowly. There are a lot of speed bumps in this alley)
- Tahi lalat
Translation: tahi = poop, lalat= fly (the insect)
Idiomatic Translation: mole
Sentence example:
Dia punya tahi lalat di wajahnya.
(She has a mole on her face)
- Tanggal merah
Translation: tanggal = date, merah = red
Idiomatic Translation: public holiday
Sentence example:
Hari ini tanggal merah untuk merayakan Idul Adha.
(Today is a public holiday to celebrate Eid al-Adha)
- Tertangkap basah
Translation: tertangkap = caught, basah= wet
Idiomatic Translation: red – handed
Sentence example:
Pencopet itu tertangkap basah Ketika mengambil dompet Nita.(The pickpocket was caught red-handed when taking Nita’s wallet)
I hope you know most of Indonesian idioms by now. If you want to learn most common phrases and expressions in Indonesian, check out this blog post.