
The Meaning of “Aman” in Indonesian

The literal meaning of the word “Aman” is  “safe” or “secure.” The origin of the word is from Arabic which has the same meaning.

In Everyday Use

  1. To say something is safe 

 It is used to describe situations, places, or conditions where there is an absence of danger or risk. This usage is common in daily conversations, especially when discussing travel, security, or personal well-being.


  • Tempat ini aman karena banyak turis datang ke sini  (This place is safe because many tourists come here)
  • Makanan ini dari kemarin, tapi aman untuk dimakan (This food is from yesterday, but it is safe to eat)
  • Kamu aman bersama orang ini. Dia orang baik. (You are safe with this person. He is a nice person)

2. To say that All is Well

In daily conversations or social media, aman is also used to mean “all good”. Check the example below: 


A: *Gimana kerjaan barunya? (How is your new job?)

B: Aman. Bosku baik. (All good. My boss is nice). 

*gimana is slang for “Bagaimana” (how). 


A: Kamu mau pindah rumah ya. Perlu bantuan? (Do you want to move houses? Need help?)

B: Aman kok. Kakaku mau bantu (All good. My older sibling wants to help)

Common Affixes with “Aman” 

Two common affixes with the root word “aman” are keamanan (safety) and mengamankan (to secure, to arrest). For example:

  • Keamanan di lingkungan sekitar sangat penting (Security in the surrounding environment is very important)
  • Petugas mengamankan tempat kejadian. (Officers secured the scene of the incident)
  • Polisi mengamankan pencuri motor (The police arrested a motorcycle thief)

Those are a few meanings and variations of the word “aman”. I hope that helps to enrich your Indonesian vocabulary. Semoga semua aman! (Hope all is good!)

By Jembatan Bahasa

Jembatan Bahasa is a professional and highly rated Indonesian language school based in Bali, Indonesia. Our teaching team is experienced and certified to teach Indonesian as a foreign language. Some of them have over eight years of teaching experience and have taught in a prestigious international school in Bali. Interested in learning Indonesian with us? WhatsApp us at +6282 145 950 737 or email at